Health Benefits of Swimming for Dogs

When someone recently asked me to write this article on the health benefits of canine hydrotherapy, my mind tried to embrace what that article would actually say…. as water therapy is so much deeper than what people usually think.   To me, it was as if someone had just asked me to write about the size of outer space… i.e. vast… endless… almost too big for words…. But I’ll give it a try! The main reason why most people seek …

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Pipe Insulation from Home Depot

A cheap genius invention from a client I saw yesterday, he made this collar with pipe insulation from home depot for their dog to keep the ears out of the water while swimming.

Fletcher Loved Her Pants

Fletcher was our sweet dog. Half golden retriever and half yellow lab, she entertained us almost constantly for 13½ years. She was very high energy and puppy-like for the first ten years, but as time went by, she began to age. After about 11 years Fletcher began having some incontinence issues. It wasn’t all that often, and we lived in a “dog house,” so it wasn’t the end of the world to clean up a dribble here or there. But …

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Cindy Horsfall is the “canine water-therapy pioneer,” says USA Today

Every doggy into the pool for fitness, funBy Sharon L. Peters, Special for USA TODAYBy Stacy L. Pearsall for USA TODAYPublished in 2008 Terri Steely, left, and Sue Lee help Cocky out of the pool after a swim session that helps reduce his pain and increase his mobility. Pooch parents are adding a splash of variety to their dogs’ exercise routines. Swimming pools for canines are drawing in high-energy pets that relish change-of-pace workouts, as well as older, overweight, injured …

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Training Info

We have new classes available for 2022.  Please click here to learn more. I am happy to help you via phone consults. I am also available to travel to your pool for training opportunities that we co-create. Click here to contact me and we can start planning. Cindy How can I find out more about starting my own dog spa?? Each week Cindy answers many requests for information from people from all over the world who want to start their own …

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Canine Bodywork and Massage


During a water therapy session, even if your dog has only signed up for a swim conditioning program, there will need to be resting times as water is up to 20 times the resistance of air. It is during these resting times when bodywork and massage are ideal. An experienced therapist should be noticing the movement and strength used during a swim. Limitations to the gait and movement are detectable in the 3 dimensionality of water – and then during …

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Mobility Aids

There are so many amazing mobility aides now that there is bound to be one that will fit your lifestyle and your canine friend… K9 Cart Company Located in Langley, WA. – “better to hop on three legs than limp on four” Dewey’s Wheelchairs for Dogs Eddie’s Wheels Tail Wagon Doggon’ Wheels I was able to see one of their quad carts in action. Light and well built and perfect for my client who not only had lost the …

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Banjo’s Heart

ava and cindy

My husband Lars had never had a dog of his own. When he decided that he was ready, we went to the Humane Society to pick out his first dog. Lars picked Banjo, a wild, completely uncontrollable boy who had been at the Humane Society on and off since the age of 5 weeks. He was now a 1 1/2 year old and had been returned 4 times in that year and a half. His time was running out. Banjo …

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Level 1+2 Itinerary

At the Heart of Canine AquaticsCombined Level One and Two Important: this is a sample itinerary A Training ProgramOffered by Cindy Horsfall of La Paw Spa Please also be aware that this itinerary is the intention of my class however, everything is subject to change as schedules come together; course content however will remain basically intact. • WEDNESDAY DAY 1 Arrive in Sequim, Washington and get yourself situated for the week. when we meet tonight, we’ll be going over some ideas for …

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