How can I become a canine hydrotherapist?
Start with our in-depth training course.
Will my dog walk again?
Yes! Hydrotherapy works! Discover how Cindy does it.
My Mission
To assist canine and human companion alike in physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
To help unfold the blessings and gifts hidden in hardship, disabilities and the aging process.
To be present and lovingly available to both during these times.
Where Friends Have Been Bringing Their Best Friends Since 1994

Cindy Horsfall started La Paw Spa in 1994 and is nationally recognized as a pioneer of warm water therapy for dogs. With over 50,000 hours in the water working with our canine friends, you will appreciate the vast experience that Cindy will bring to your session. She is known for her gentle, compassionate presence and an innate, intuitive ability to communicate from the heart. Click Here for availability, location and information about how to book a session with Cindy at La Paw Spa.
Cindy Horsfall, Licensed Massage Practitioner, Licensed Small Animal Therapist and Certified Aquatic Therapist – has a rich background in the healing arts and a profound passion for Aquatic Bodywork. Fully committed to sharing all that she has learned, Cindy offers enthusiastic support, insight and a wealth of personal experience to anyone wishing to learn more about this work in the water and about themselves.
We are constantly adding articles and updating information to this part of our website so that it can continue to be the place people come to seek assistance and resources for therapy protocols, geriatric care, disability support and other challenges. For students and therapists who seek to serve dogs and their people, you’ll find resources here about pools, how to teach and orchestrate an effective class, how to help facilitate healing and how we can serve to our highest potential.

Nugget @ Paddling Pooches
Paddling PoochesI will have the unique privilege of being trained by Cindy Horsfall. She is...Read More

Pipe Insulation from Home Depot
A cheap genius invention from a client I saw yesterday, he made this collar with...Read More

Did you KNow? Cindy started the Association of Canine Water Therapy in 1995!