Work With Cindy in the Water

Steps for making an appointment:

  1. Phone/email Cindy and secure a time/date/location for your appointment(s).
  2. Fill out the FORMS online (click here for forms) and hit the submit button after you have filled out these forms so that Cindy will get a copy prior to your session to review.
  3. After you have filled out and hit the SUBMIT button – please PRINT OUT these forms, sign and bring to your first appointment.

Show up on the date and time and location that we’ve agreed to and enjoy!

Questions? Rates and Contact Info


How to contact Cindy to secure an appointment time:
Cindy books all of her own appointments.
Please call her direct at 425-222-WOOF (9663) and leave a message
Please email her direct at cindy<at>

What can I expect on my first appointment?
Our appointments run for one hour and we have towels and dryers – all you need to do bring your pup. Please come on into the reception area and make yourself at home… I’ll be out to get you when its time for our session.

During our appointments, at any of these locations, please know that our sessions will be kept private to us so that your dog can feel safe and we can be present with each other.

Cindy is known for her gentle heart centered approach to this work. It will not matter if your dog is aggressive or shy or doesn’t like water… the first session especially is all about having your pup feel emotionally secure and safe. Cindy understands and has built her whole practice and teaching courses on this principle – i.e. emotional safety first for you and your dog. Usually after our initial greeting that will probably include cookies and kisses, Cindy will pick your dog up and carry him/her into the water and sit on the stairs and begin her massage work. This usually happens fairly quickly and your dog will simply find himself/herself sitting on Cindy’s lap in the safety of shallow warm water and then the session progresses from there… only moving into swimming if that is appropriate and when your dog feels comfortable.

Consultations and Assessments are also available upon request.

Telephone consultations also available – click here to schedule

(Please do not use topical flea/tick products on your pup within 5 days of your spa session. Studies have shown that these products can leach into the pool and onto your therapist! Thank you!)