Welcome to La Paw Spa! Most of the dogs that arrive here have special needs, are geriatric or in some stage of surgical recovery – requiring loads of extra care and attention from their families. This is why our facility in Sequim was built to nurture both you and your
canine friend, with physical and emotional safety, ease of use and comfort as our primary goals.
You are always welcome to arrive early with plenty of time before your session. Upon entering the facility you will find yourself in our spacious reception area. Come on in and make yourself at home. Keeping your pup on leash, relax in any of our comfy chairs, grab a book or magazine and enjoy a beverage or a snack. We always have fresh coffee, several different kinds of teas, and multiple cold options in our refrigerator. If you wish to freshen up, the bathroom facility is located off the back of the reception area, to your right.
Relax, enjoy your dog and Cindy
will come for you as soon as the previous client has left the pool room.
The flow between rooms was created for utmost privacy for you and your friend during your session. Sometimes a dog with special needs will feel vulnerable and won’t want to meet other dogs. We have taken extra precautions in order to keep the entire experience at La Paw Spa private. We have an ADA compliant ramp to the pool area and offer non skid flooring on all surfaces. Once you enter the pool room, there are comfortable chairs and the sounds of soft, soothing music to be enjoyed by both of you.
After your pool experience is complete you will exit via our transition room. In this room, you’ll find blow dryers, extra towels, ear cleaners and etc … the two of you can stay for up to an hour after your session drying and relaxing until you are ready to transition back out into the world…
We have towels, treats, blow dryers, toys…. You don’t really have to bring much except for your dog! To assure safety, you will want to have your dog on leash coming and going from the spa – and when you leave the spa your friend may be somewhat damp so you might consider something warm to exit the building and for the ride home.
Parking is available on all sides of the facility. If your dog is fairly mobile, parking in the rear might be a good option as you can use the walk around the building and into the front reception room as your potty walk, enjoy your spa and when you exit from the transition room, you’ll be right there by your car. If you have a dog who is not that mobile, please let us know in advance and then plan on parking off the back entrance and we will take your dog in and out through the back entrance and skip the reception experience for your canine friend. This gives us the shortest distance in and out of the spa. We also have a ramp available just inside the back door if needed.
We are here to assist you in all
aspects of your experience at La Paw Spa – you just let us know how we can help.
Car rides can be stimulating for dogs so giving them the chance to eliminate upon arrival is important. You will be pleased to find many grassy options and places to walk when you arrive at La Paw Spa. If your friend is incontinent, please let us know and we will show you how to express the bowels/bladder and help you. Please be sure to clean up after your pup, we have bags available both at the front desk and in a little red container hanging off the silver garbage can just outside the back door. This little garbage can is also the can for disposal.
Cindy is known for her gentle heart centered approach to this work. It will not matter if your dog is aggressive or shy or doesn’t like water… the first session is all about having your pup feel emotionally secure and safe. Usually after our initial greeting (which will probably include cookies and kisses), Cindy will pick your dog up and carry him/her into the water and sit on the stairs and begin her massage work. This usually happens fairly quickly and your dog will simply find himself/herself sitting on Cindy’s lap in the safety of shallow warm water and then the session progresses from there. Known for her gentle, compassionate presence, you will appreciate the vast experience that Cindy will bring to your session. She has built her reputation on creating a safe and nurturing experience for you and your dog. The sessions of canine warm water therapy will usually be a combination of warm water massage, bodywork and/or swimming… it will all depend on your friend’s condition, circumstance and your goals.
The answer to this question will depend on a many variables. We will be talking about this during our first session together and will map out a plan to accommodate your needs.
Here at La Paw Spa we consider ourselves privileged to care
For some of the finest canine and human partnerships.
We look forward to serving you…
Thank you!

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Area We Serve
Serving the Pacific Northwest
in Washington State
including Sequim, Port Angeles,
Port Townsend and beyond!