Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (Bloat) in Dogs

An excellent educational essay on BLOAT. Explore the article to sign up for more educational essays – by one of the greatest veterinarians of all time in my opinion. -Cindy Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV), commonly referred to as bloat, is a severe and life-threatening condition in dogs where the stomach fills with gas and twists upon itself. This causes a major blockage of blood flow, leading to shock and potentially fatal outcomes if not treated immediately. Symptoms include abdominal distension, unproductive …

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Building a Facility – Lessons from Sequim

For 15 years Cindy built and ran LA PAW SPA Canine Hydrotherapy in Sequim, Washington. In 2023, this facility was closed and moved to Port Townsend. During her time in Sequim, here are some articles about the facility that she built there. We wanted to post these in case this can help anyone else who is building a facility for dogs in their community.

How To Express Your Dog’s Bowels

NOTE: Education to then pursue your veterinarian’s advice. These two videos were created by a client, who would like to remain anonymous.  She is not a veterinarian and so this information is not veterinary advice. These videos are intended to help educate those with a bowel incontinent dog. Be sure to work with your veterinarian on how these techniques might help you and your pup. 

Health Benefits of Swimming for Dogs

When someone recently asked me to write this article on the health benefits of canine hydrotherapy, my mind tried to embrace what that article would actually say…. as water therapy is so much deeper than what people usually think.   To me, it was as if someone had just asked me to write about the size of outer space… i.e. vast… endless… almost too big for words…. But I’ll give it a try! The main reason why most people seek …

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Pipe Insulation from Home Depot

A cheap genius invention from a client I saw yesterday, he made this collar with pipe insulation from home depot for their dog to keep the ears out of the water while swimming.

Fletcher Loved Her Pants

Fletcher was our sweet dog. Half golden retriever and half yellow lab, she entertained us almost constantly for 13½ years. She was very high energy and puppy-like for the first ten years, but as time went by, she began to age. After about 11 years Fletcher began having some incontinence issues. It wasn’t all that often, and we lived in a “dog house,” so it wasn’t the end of the world to clean up a dribble here or there. But …

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Training Info

We have new classes available for 2022.  Please click here to learn more. I am happy to help you via phone consults. I am also available to travel to your pool for training opportunities that we co-create. Click here to contact me and we can start planning. Cindy How can I find out more about starting my own dog spa?? Each week Cindy answers many requests for information from people from all over the world who want to start their own …

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Mobility Aids

There are so many amazing mobility aides now that there is bound to be one that will fit your lifestyle and your canine friend… K9 Cart Company Located in Langley, WA. – “better to hop on three legs than limp on four” Dewey’s Wheelchairs for Dogs Eddie’s Wheels Tail Wagon Doggon’ Wheels I was able to see one of their quad carts in action. Light and well built and perfect for my client who not only had lost the …

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Bladder Expression

With bowel incontinence, the bowels usually eventually move… but not with urine which a dog can retain. It is therefore important that your dog eliminate as much urine as possible from the bladder on a regular basis or he/she will risk getting a urinary infection which could, if left untreated, become a kidney infection. You can learn to express your dogs bladder and help your pet get on a regular program for long term health. The bladder in the dog …

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Bowel Expression

This is a picture of a male dog from behind. In expressing the bowels, you are only helping provide stimulation where the body is compromised and needs help. Carefully using a gloved finger, you can begin gently pressing and drawing circles on the area above the anus which usually will stimulate contractions of the colon and produce feces. Once your dog begins to pass feces, continue gently drawing those circles until he’s done. Don’t be in a hurry. I use …

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