When you see the Heart2Heart logo, it signifies that someone has graduated from La Paw Spa’s intensive Training in Canine Aquatics.

Level 1 Certified
GRADUATES OF LA PAW SPA’sACADEMY OF CANINE AQUATICS – LEVEL ONE When you see this logo, it signifies that this person has graduated from La Paw Spa’s intensive Level One Training in Canine Aquatics. Showing exceptional dedication to the heart of canine water therapy, the graduates of this class have focused on safety – not only in the physical needs of this work but the emotional safety for both the dogs and their people. In an action-packed 6 day period, …
Level 2 Certified
GRADUATES OF LA PAW SPA’sACADEMY OF CANINE AQUATICS – LEVEL TWO When you see this logo, it signifies that this person has graduated from La Paw Spa’s intensive Level Two Training in Canine Aquatics. Showing exceptional dedication to the heart of canine water therapy, the graduates of this class have not only graduated previously from an intensive week of Level One Training where we’ve focused on both the physical and emotional safety needs for both the dogs and their people, …