Hi my name is Lilly. I am only 5 years old and I have arthritis so bad that I was loosing the use of my hind legs. One day I went out to play and was having so much fun I jumped in the air and when I came down I could only walk backward not forward. That really scared my family so they rushed me to the vet. That is where we got the bad news. The vet gave me medicine but I hurt so bad that I spent most of my time in bed.
Not anymore! My family picked up a business card they saw and that changed my life. The card read La Paw Spa and offered help with arthritis among other things. Now I love life again and can play and out run all my friends.

I have some bad days once in awhile but they are few and far between. I am strong and have regular use of my legs again. Thanks to Cindy at La Paw Spa for putting a Smile back on my face!
– Lilly, as told to Wayne and Judy Wilhelm

Read more about why warm water therapy at La Paw Spa has helped Lilly recover.