Thanks for your interest in linking to our website!
To make it easy, you can simply copy/paste the HTML here into your own web page:
<br /><br /><br />
<a href=””>La Paw Spa – Canine Hydrotherapy</a><br /><br /><br />
Naturally, you can use the text as-is, or you can change the link text to suit your context.
You’re also welcome to use this image:
Simply right click on the image and “Save As” to save a copy you can then upload to and use on your own site.
Thank you!
Link Exchanges
Link exchanges were once considered an incredibly important part of getting noticed on the web. These days search experts no longer hold that to be true. In fact, linking to the “wrong” site (whatever that might mean) runs the risk of actually negatively impacting a site’s rankings.
As a result, La Paw Spa does not participate in simple link exchanges.
If you have reason or desire to link to La Paw Spa, we obviously encourage you to do so, with our blessing, and the HTML code above.
If you have a site that you feel has a legitimate, natural relationship to La Paw Spa, feel free to submit it below. If we agree that your site has content that we feel provides value to our visitors, we’ll link to it.
It’s that simple.
Naturally this is on a time-available basis, so we certainly can’t guarantee timeliness. Nor can we guarantee where on our site your link, if approved, might appear.