One of my favorite beds for my spa or an incontinent pet, is a twin-size futon or mattress with a zippered full vinyl cover and then a flannel fitted sheet that matches the décor. This bed is inexpensive, easy to manage and you can cuddle up on it too!

You can also get these to fit any size mattress so you can put one on your bed too if you like to sleep with your dog. This way you don’t have to worry about an accident getting into your mattress. They make better more expensive waterproof covers for this application that don’t have that plastic sound and you probably would only need the fitted variety – not the zippered kind like we use on the twin-size floor beds.

Pet Beds Northwest Making quality furnishings for our four-legged family members in the style of their human mentors. Contact me to see what can be done to create a bed for your homes decor. Each piece will be one of a kind and will be built for your pets size.
Bowser Pet Products Bowsers’ specialty pet beds and travel accessories combine superior quality materials, workmanship, distinctive fabrics and most of all, great design. Designs include the very popular Donut Beds and Loungers. So comfy!
A really neat bed for dogs who need airflow under them, and also for dogs with incontinence issues.
Water Proof Pet Beds
These are great for dogs that might have incontinence issues.
Waterproof Mattress Covers
We all know what these are essential for! Don’t let a silly thing like incontinence get in the way of having a normal life!