Pet Buddies Pooch Tube

Pet Buddies says: The Pooch Tube is designed and constructed purely for doggie enjoyment and entertainment. It’s a durable competition for the standard issue flying disc. It’s perfect for ring toss, tug of war, fetch, doggie water polo or low impact lawn rugby or just about anything you and your dog can come up with that entails flinging and fetching this nifty tube. Although it’s durable, it is not intended as a chew toy. Wet or dry, the innovative Pooch Tube delivers countless hours of action packed fun.


Brodie absolutely loves this toy! It’s perfect! It doesn’t absorb water, holds up to grabbing it in the water and wrestling it away from him too. It floats well and is visible in the water. There’s nothing bad to say about this toy. I’ve tried using more than one toy during a session but if Brodie knows I have his Pooch Tube, nothing else will suffice.

The Pooch Tube is available in 2 sizes, medium and large (Brodie uses the large size) and 4 fun colors (blue, orange, green and pink).


Best Price online:
$8.38 for large (#4485) and $5.89 for small (#4484)
No choice on colors though)


Manufacturer’s website:

Brodie’s Sink or Swim Rating: SWIM!
