Tails from the Water – No. 1

La Paw Spa - Where Friends Have Been Bringing Their Best Friends Since 1996

No. 1

Welcome to our first newsletter!

… and thank you for your interest in this wonderful alternative health
modality for our canine friends and their people! I would love your input as to
what you would like to read about. Please contact me with your questions or

A Spa Is Born

The Sequim location becons...

Cindy is finally setting her pawprints in her home town of Sequim… having built a pool before, helped numerous others and after 14 years of working in her own and other people’s pools – she decided to pull all of her education together to build the perfect spa.

This is the first in a multi-part series chronicling the birth of her home pool.

When you go to a pool maintenance and supply company and talk about dogs, you might see the pool people clap their hands to their ears and run the other way mumbling strange sounds. Look around and you’ll see swimming caps and various contraptions and devices to keep hair out of the pool.

Pools are NOT meant for hair – and dogs are full of hair.

Continue Reading…

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmm……..

USA Today

In January the USA TODAY came up with a wonderful article on the benefits of hydrotherapy. The author is a long-term writer for animal welfare and we shared some great conversation as she researched this subject. Just weeks after she finished the article, her own beloved dog was paralyzed and because of this research, she had a list of options at her disposal… and immediately started her pup into warm water therapy… what a coincidence?… hmmmmmmm – read the article in USA TODAY.

The Wonderful World of Fascia

Fascia is the one single that connects us… it’s the wrapping in the body that surrounds every single muscle, bone, organ… every little thing in the body is surrounded by and connected by fascia. If someone were to remove every bone, muscle, and organ from your body – you would still be recognizable to your friends by your fascia network! Now stay connected with me here… this is going to lead you to a fascinating tail from the water that is all about fascia but first we need to know a little bit about this miraculous tissue in the body…. Read more about that which connects us …

Living with Disabilities

Each issue of this newsletter will have information and tidbits of knowledge in the privileges of living with aging and disabilities.

For this issue, I’d like to talk a little bit about the art of dying. We live in a fast paced society where disabilities and getting older are feared. People will often feel threatened when their momentum is halted with a disability or will rush into surgical procedures in an effort to look younger and hide their years… we seem to have formed an attachment to staying young and ‘in the game’ and so this

can often translate into how we care for our aging canine friends. When our dogs become disabled or old, all sorts of fears come up – and because too many vets are all to happy to accommodate and euthanize, people often rush into this decision to avoid any further pain (their own pain). A friend of mine wrote a story that I’d like to share with you here. Read Caring To and Through the End of Life.

Book or Music Report

Each issue I will feature my most current book or music favorite. In this issue, it is Anugama’s Shamanic Dream.

Last month I received a massage and during this wonderful treatment of self care, this CD was playing… the combination of these two things put me into such a wonderfully relaxed state, that I had to take a walk before being able to drive home. While this CD is not for everyone, it is an amazing CD for meditation and zoning out. This would NOT be the CD you would put on to vacuum your house or jog the trail. It is not even the type of music that you would just sit down and listen to – actually the constant drum beat might really begin to irritate you if you thought too much about it …. But if you feel like zoning out – this one will do it to you! The combinations of ancient flutes, constant primal drums and didgeridoo are transformative. It’s my best pick this month for this kind of music… as a matter of fact, I think I’m going to go take an hour and zone out now with this CD…….. yummmmm…..

Last month I received a massage and during this wonderful treatment of self care, this CD was playing… the combination of these two things put me into such a wonderfully relaxed state, that I had to take a walk before being able to drive home. While this CD is not for everyone, it is an amazing CD for meditation and zoning out. This would NOT be the CD you would put on to vacuum your house or jog the trail. It is not even the type of music that you would just sit down and listen to – actually the constant drum beat might really begin to irritate you if you thought too much about it …. But if you feel like zoning out – this one will do it to you! The combinations of ancient flutes, constant primal drums and didgeridoo are transformative. It’s my best pick this month for this kind of music… as a matter of fact, I think I’m going to go take an hour and zone out now with this CD…….. yummmmm…..

Anugama's Shamanic Dream

I’m building a comprehensive set of resources out on my website – be sure to check out my music recommendations!

Ask Luna!

Ok… so my boss “Luna” (the 18 month old female german shepherd that owns me) wanted to be involved with this newsletter too and invites you to ask her questions. If you have something that you would like to ask Luna, please visit her Ask Luna! page! She’d love to answer any of your questions.

One of our readers posed this question:

Hi, I'm Luna! Ask me anything!

Dear Luna, I am putting in a new patio… what material do you prefer?”

Click here for Luna’s Response!

Until Next Time….

I love the month of March… little flowers begin to poke their sleepy heads out of the cold ground this month in my area and it reminds me that a new year has begun… one of growth and endless possibility.

Thank you for sharing this newsletter with me and please feel free to pass it on to whoever you feel might enjoy.

If you have a specific topic or question that you would like me to cover.. Please let me know!

Here’s my contact information!

La Paw Spa has been serving dogs and their people for over 100 years !!!
( in dog years that is! )