I guess I call this part the bigger picture of the work, the part we can not define, the gifts inherent in the process.
When a paralyzed dog now comes to me in spa, I realize that ‘healing’ might mean that this dog will walk again – or it might mean that their person learn how to embrace and take care of the disability or dying process. There are many gifts in being able to take care of our dogs as they age… as there are many gifts in taking care of our other loved ones and even ourselves as we have disabilities or aging.
We live in a society that praises success and ability and progress. It is sometimes a reach to be also thankful in gracefully aging or the hidden beauty and gifts in slowing down.
In the watery safe environment of canine hydrotherapy, with all of our emotions feeling safe, with our physical bodies feeling taken care of, there is often an awakening of a greater knowing, a bigger picture in all of this.
Back: Canine Hydrotherapy: Health Benefits of Swimming for Dogs.